Virtual Arbitrations

Remote Hearings

Law In Order’s eHearings team recently conducted a leading edge virtual arbitration. In a world first, the virtual arbitration comprised of Remote Real-Time Transcription and Remote Evidence Presentation (by EPE & Expert Witnesses) services accessible via the Law In Order hosted virtual arbitration solution. Hearing participants attended from London, Singapore, Bangkok, The Hague, Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, Vancouver, Washington and Geneva.


The virtual proceeding can simulate all the necessary components common in an arbitration or court room infrastructure. The three concurrent vision links produce a purely electronic proceeding, removing the inconvenience of geographical barriers. For this reason, it is best suited for short hearings when expert witnesses must reschedule due to unavailability during hearings or cannot travel.

This new innovation is hosted by Law In Order’s managed Video Conference Bridge, which means participants do not have to use a traditional video conference facility to connect and can use mobile, laptop and tablet devices instead.

The Video Conference Bridge maximises the interoperability between all devices, facilitating optimal connections for the systems. No matter what device is on the system, Law In Order has complete control over the Bridge’s administration and management. If there are any issues or troubleshooting is required, Law In Order can diagnose and restore the connection immediately.

The Virtual Proceeding Service utilises an enhanced Video Conference set up with Remote Real-time transcription and Evidence Presentation Video Links. This can function purely as a virtual, electronic forum or configured as an auxiliary to a standard eHearing room, combining the benefits attained from both virtual and physical proceedings.

The Law In Order eHearings team comprises of lawyers, paralegals, senior IT professionals, legal consultants and project managers who are familiar with hearing rooms and have in-depth knowledge of relevant technologies.


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