Management Services

Job Description: Last minute request for eTrial - Time Frame: 48 hours

The Challenge

Law In Order received a call at 5:00 pm on a Friday with an urgent request for quotation for a court ordered eTrial involving the provision of evidence display solution to be managed by Counsel. There were two parties, 5 barristers and 5 lawyers. Law In Order had already worked with the plaintiff to provide an eCourtbook. The trial was schedule to commence on Monday.

The Solution

Law In Order responded with a quotation within 10 minutes of the request and received the go ahead from the client to proceed by 5:40 pm.

The Outcome

Law In Order worked through the weekend to ensure all the logistics were secured and set up the eTrial ready for proceedings to begin the following Monday at 10 am.


Job Description: Our client received a tranche of disclosure from another party totaling around 55,000 documents.


The Challenge

Our client received a tranche of disclosure from another party totaling around 55,000 documents. Their aim was to review all 55,000 documents, but to prioritise the review to find documents similar in nature to their own key documents first.

The Solution

Relativity has various tools to identify similar documents.  Documents can be grouped by near textual duplicates, clustered by concepts or fed into a Technology Assisted Review (TAR) workflow.

In this matter where the client wanted to review all documents, but prioritise the order of review, the best solution was to deploy Relativity’s active learning workflow.

Active learning learns from decisions made on documents as they are coded in the review workflow. It uses these decisions to continuously deliver documents to a review queue based on what the software believes to be the next most similar document to those already coded as relevant.

As the review progresses, the review queue is continually updated based on the decisions being made.

In this matter we were able to take the documents that the client had already identified as key documents in their own disclosure and use these as a pre-coded set to train the system and kick start the active learning review queue.

The Outcome

The active learning project showed its value from the start.

Using only a very small seed set of around 260 key documents, the project returned a mean relevance rate of 45% for the first 2,000 documents. By the second 2,000 documents, the mean relevance rate had fallen to 24% and by the third set of 2,000 documents the mean rate had fallen to just 12%. In overall terms, the mean relevance rate fell from an initial peak of 63% (for the first 200 documents) to 6.8% by the end of the project, with the last 20,000 documents having a mean rate of just 1.54%.

The below graph illustrates how using active learning enabled the review team to review the most relevant documents sooner.


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Discovery & Review Services

Job Description: Review of 88GB of email data for an internal investigation - Time Frame: 14 days

Law In Order’s expert review team worked closely with our client to reduce their reviewable set of potentially relevant documents from 747,000 to 6,500 documents in 48 hours. The responsive documents were uploaded the next day with training provided to the team who, with the assistance of our experts, completed a review of those remaining documents in less than 10 days. Once the review was complete, our experts undertook various quality assurance processes and provided our client’s review team with an exported hyperlinked list of documents within 24 hours. In total, the review of the documents was completed in less than 14 working days saving our client a significant amount of time and money.

Job Description: Novice eDiscovery users required to assess 40GB Lotus Notes Files - Time Frame: 1 week

Our client with no eDiscovery experience had to assess 40 GB worth of Lotus Notes e-mail files. They wanted a quick, low cost option to access the information on hand in order to evaluate the scope of the issues and determine their approach. We ran the files through Venio which gave lawyers access to the data within hours. As the client needed to ascertain how connected the e-mails were in relation to the matter – they wanted a clear picture of the parties involved, our Solutions Consultants ran keyword searches and showed the social network map that visually shows who this person sent emails to which proved to be a great tool to the legal team. The use of Venio allowed for the legal team to complete scoping in 2 days and the Discovery completed within 7 days. The job was delivered earlier than expected and under budget.

Job Description: Regulator request for information, unknown data size & scope - Time Frame: 10 days

The Challenge

Our client with no eDiscovery experience had to assess 40GB worth of Lotus Notes e-mail files. They wanted a quick, low cost option to access the information on hand in order to evaluate the scope of the issues and determine their approach.

The Solution

We ran the files through Venio which gave lawyers access to the data within hours. As the client needed to ascertain how connected the e-mails were in relation to the matter – they wanted a clear picture of the parties involved, our Solutions Consultants ran keyword searches and showed the social network map that visually shows who this person sent emails to which proved to be a great tool to the legal team.

The Outcome

The use of Venio allowed for the legal team to complete scoping in 2 days and the Discovery completed within 7 days. The job was delivered earlier than expected and under budget.

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Job Description: Fast discovery deadline - Time Frame: 3 days

The Challenge

Our client had 1.2TB of data they needed to assess to determine the scope of discovery.

The Solution

We received 1.2TB of data on three hard drives.

The Outcome

The data was ingested and indexed into Venio FPR within 3 days, allowing the lawyers to view, search and analyse the documents to accurately determine the best course forward in the matter.

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Job Description: Review of 88GB of email data for an internal investigation - Time Frame: 14 days

Law In Order’s expert review team worked closely with our client to reduce their reviewable set of potentially relevant documents from 747,000 to 6,500 documents in 48 hours. The responsive documents were uploaded the next day with training provided to the team who, with the assistance of our experts, completed a review of those remaining documents in less than 10 days. Once the review was complete, our experts undertook various quality assurance processes and provided our client’s review team with an exported hyperlinked list of documents within 24 hours. In total, the review of the documents was completed in less than 14 working days saving our client a significant amount of time and money.

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